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Cappuccino MCT



Cappuccino MCT is a favorite of all coffee lovers to help you lose weight. The drink contains healthy fats that will suppress hunger. With it, your body will receive a powerful energy charge, speed up metabolism, and the process of burning fat.
In the process of creation, the ingredients were taken as a basis, which naturally helps the body to get rid of extra pounds.
Thanks to the supplement, the burning of calories are accelerated, the process of accumulation of fat cells slows down, the body is saturated faster and physical activity is stimulated.

What is the product?

The most important component of the supplement is green tea, or rather its extract. Indeed, thanks to it, alpha receptors are blocked, which interfere with the breakdown of fat cells. For a highly concentrated extract, take only unfermented leaves. They are not subjected to any heat treatment. Therefore, all their properties are preserved in full. There are also auxiliary substances: ginger, artichoke, pineapple.

How to take the goods?

It is necessary to take one piece three times a day. Food intake did not matter. Drink plenty of fluids. The duration of the course is influenced by individual characteristics and the desired result. If used as a prophylactic agent, then the course is at least 40 days. The most effective result is possible when taken within two months. Excessive excess weight can be overcome within 2.5 months. The result is fixed by repeated admission three months after the main course. A break of more than six months is not allowed.

How does the product work Cappuccino MCT?

As a prophylactic agent, it has a lip protective effect. Prevents fat accumulation, enhances and accelerates lipid oxidation. If the purpose of the intake is to get rid of visceral and subcutaneous fat, then active lipolysis processes are already starting here. Plus, hormones are released that are responsible for losing weight - adrenaline, and norepinephrine. Beta receptors are connected to all processes, which help fat cells to be released faster, alpha receptors become less active. Cappuccino MCT does not apply to drugs or dietary supplements.

What smell and taste?

This product does not have a characteristic smell and taste.

Is it safe to use?

According to customer reviews, there is no danger to use this product. Consider contraindications and indications for use

Cappuccino MCT
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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