Last night my friend gave me a call. She said "Hey!! Do you remember that black dress that I wore on my last birthday? I just wanted to wear it this evening, but somehow I couldn't fit in. It seems it has shrunken somehow. Do you have any idea how can I fix it?" And I asked a question to her, totally ignoring what she asked. I simply asked, "When was the last time you checked your weight?" And you know what she just hung up the phone.
Running away from reality doesn't make you fit in your old clothes. You have to do an effort for this. At times people are simply unaware of their health conditions. Maybe they don't care or maybe they are acting like an Ostrich, who hides his head in the sand when he sees the fore coming sand storm. A few of you really do know that you are overweight and a few might still be confused, are they or are they not? Of course, I can help you determine. Few regular signs are given below in detail:
1. You Feel Uncomfortable:
Weight is not gained overnight or with one rich meal. Over a period of time, you'll observe that you are not as active as you were. You might have been a Soccer player or a Cheerleader in your teens, but now you can hardly walk a mile. Don't blame your age for this. Blame your bad habits. I'm not asking you to start jumping at the age of fifty. All I'm telling you is that, if others at your age can live a normal life, unless like you, then you should get seriously concerned about your health factors.
2. You Are Lethargic All The Time:
It is the most alarming sign. You can't climb stairs, you can't stand for an hour or more, you feel short-breathed and start sweating after mild exertions, and you are left behind when you go on a walk with your spouse or your friend. All these are the general signs of being unhealthy and overweight.
3. Your Medical Status Becomes Alarming:
You go to the doctor and he tells you that your blood pressure is raised, your sugar level is also raised, and your hemoglobin level is not good. Of course, he will also tell you to reduce weight. With an increased weight body systems start generating troubles, especially in obese or morbidly obese people. Persistent obesity can lead to heart problems, kidney problems, elevated cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure levels.
4. Your Friends And Your Spouse Tell You That You Are Looking Little Plump:
People who are accompanying you in routine like spouse, colleagues, and close friends don't feel the change like the ones who meet you after a long time. The reason is again that this is a time taking change and they are used, to the minor changes just as you are. So you should be really concerned if you meet someone after some time and they tell you that you look plump.
5. You Can't Tie Your Shoe Laces While Standing:
This phrase doesn't really prove that you are overweight. You might have some back ache or maybe, maybe...... you don't wear shoes with laces. Anyways apart from the fun side, if you really are unable to touch your toes, tie your shoe laces or find difficulty in applying nail polish on your toenails, that means you have an abdomen that is nothing but fat. And you should better get concerned about losing this fat as soon as possible.
6. The Simplest Way To Check If You Are Overweight:
The simplest and easiest way to confirm that you are overweight is to consult a height-weight chart. For your ease and convenience, I have added one right here. (Click on the image to see full sized chart.)
With the help of this chart, you can easily conclude how many pounds you really are overweight.
7. How To Check Whether You Are Fat, Obese, Or Morbidly Obese?:
Once you have figured out that you are overweight, you have to make sure, HOW MUCH? There is a formula for Body Mass Index (BMI). With this, you can check in which category you fall. Fat, Obese, or Morbidly obese. Please read the following article for details.
Calculate And Interpret your Body Mass Index
Now when you know that you are overweight, it's time to get back to normal. Let's start shedding those extra pounds.