Surgeries Regarding Weight Loss |
In a few cases, the person is beyond fat. He/she falls in the category of either obese or morbidly obese people. Usually, there is a very much health risk to obese and morbidly obese people. So there are few surgeries planned especially for such people so that they can be taken out of the risk of losing their life. In this article, I've given a brief introduction to weight loss surgeries. But please keep in mind that this is only for those people who are either obese, morbidly obese, or have a risk to their life due to their weight. 1. Bariatric Surgery: In this surgery, the stomach is operated on in hope of controlling the diet of the patient. This is to reduce the amount of food taken as a meal. The size of the stomach is reduced up to a certain capacity of the stomach. How much to reduce is dependent upon the condition of the patient and its requirements. Bariatric surgery can be further subdivided into two groups:
The irreversible method: in this method the size of the stomach is permanently reduced by cutting and removing a part of the stomach. This surgery is usually not preferred. But in patients having low self-control and increased chances of relapse this surgery is done. 2. Liposuction: This is a very common surgery. It is done all over the world. Nowadays people are taking it as a way to enhance their beauty which is not the right thing. It is only designed to remove excess weight, not to make anyone pencil thin. Lipos means fat in Greek. Hence liposuction means the removal of fat with suction. And this is what is done in this surgery. The excess fat from the body or from certain parts is removed. This surgery is co-related to other surgeries as well. When excess fat is removed the skin becomes loose and needs to be readjusted. So another surgery is done to adjust that loose skin according to the body shape. This surgery sounds very appealing as a person gets thin within a few hours but this surgery has equal drawbacks. It is more expensive due to extensive procedures, relating surgeries of skin adjustments, which can even cause damage to the omentum. Omentum is the protective fat layer in the belly that surrounds the internal organs and keeps them safe. It basically provides a cushion around the organs, preventing them from external damage and shocks. 3. Tummy Tuck: The tummy tuck is a localized surgery. As shown in the name, it tends to fix only the problematic tummy. Usually, it is done after the liposuction. As I've mentioned before that liposuction makes the skin flabby and loose so tummy tucks are done to fix skin over the belly area. But in some cases, it is only the skin of the belly that is loose and needs to be dealt with. A very common example is a female who had multiple deliveries. When a child is born, the skin over the tummy becomes loose. Usually, it goes back to its place with the passage of time. But in some cases where there are either too many births or a very short time between the births, the skin over the belly fails to gain back its stretching ability and becomes permanently loose. There is one more exceptional case. If a large tumor or neoplastic mass is removed from the body, it leaves the skin loosened over it. For example, uterine tumors, ovarian masses, or maybe in some worse cases of elephantiasis. But no matter what surgery you are interested in, you can not decide on your own. You have to pay a visit to your doctor and ask him about the surgery best for you. And then he'll decide for you whether you need surgery or not. And if needed which one is better for you. |