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Tips for Travel Beginners




Tips for Travel Beginners

If you're a road warrior, these travel tips will help reduce the stress of your ... Choose your Travel Modality ... trains or ... what's the choice to be? While ... is
If you're a road warrior, these travel tips will help reduce the stress of
your journeys.

1. Choose your Travel Modality Wisely
Planes, trains or automobiles: what's the choice to be? While air
travel is clearly the only way to go for long journeys, shorter trips of
a couple of hundred miles might be faster via train, bus or auto.
When making your decision, consider the time spent traveling to and
from airports, plus time spent lining up for check-in, security, and
departure. Also consider the effects inclement weather can have on
your travel choice. It's no fun hearing the announcement that your
plane can't land due to poor visibility and you'll be returning to your
departure airport.

2. Consider Alternative Airports
If you're flying, consider alternative airports that are outside the city
you're going to visit. As a rule, these airports have fewer flights, less
overbooking, and fewer

delays than their larger counterparts.

3. Obtain an International Drivers License
If traveling outside your own country, an international driver's
license will be more readily recognized than your locally issued
driver's license. The cost is not prohibitive and in most regions, the
licenses are easily obtained by showing your local driver's license.
Inquire at your local Automobile Association.

4.our Maps Before You L Get Leave Home
Travel is less stressful if you know how to get around. Before
leaving home, obtain maps of your destination city. One approach is
to visit web sites such as City Search (
and print out maps. Place your printed maps in plastic folders for
protection against the elements. Trying to read a road map while
standing on a rainy street corner has its obvious disadvantages.

5. Carry Electronic Documents Rather than Hard Copy
Rather than carry heavy stacks of brochures or sales letters, take
electronic documents on diskettes and have them printed at a local
printing service. Similarly, if you are working a booth in a trade
the show, it's a good idea to carry electronic documents in case you run
out of the stack you shipped from the office.

6. Find Hotels that Cater to Business Travelers
Hotels that cater to business travelers will have Internet capabilities
and offer access to business machines such as faxes and

7. Remember Adaptors and Converters
If you're traveling to a foreign country, remember that you might
need special voltage adaptors for electricity. You might also need
plug adapters to accommodate both electrical plugs and telephone
jacks. A good travel store will be able to help you decide what's

8. Use Calling Cards
When you're staying at a hotel, the phone bill can be a major
expense. The cost of calling your family, checking your voice mail
and checking your email is best handled by using a telephone calling
card or a corporate credit card.

9. Check your Cellular Service
Cellular phone companies regularly offer new rates. Check to be sure
you're getting the best deal -- some now include long-distance
charges in the monthly fee. If your business travel will take you to
small, out-of-the-way towns, your digital phone might not work. You
will need an analog or dual digital/analog phone for such trips.

10. Protect Yourself Against Theft
Before leaving home, make copies of your travel documents
(passport, airline tickets, travel insurance, credit cards and itinerary).

Take copies with you and leave a copy with a contact at home. Take
special precautions for your electronics. See what your local travel
store has to offer in terms of protective luggage. You can purchase
laptop cases that disguise the fact that they're used for laptops, or
laptop cases that look old and battered. And of course, you already
know how fast and savvy a pickpocket can be. Avoid carrying
important documents in your purse or hip pocket.
Tips for Travel Beginners
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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