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Health Questions And Answers



Busy women today have to keep up with their careers, money issues, and family. There is hardly time to prepare meals and care for the children and/or partner before and after work hours. Most women in Western industrialized countries become involved with careers and families in their late twenties and early thirties. As responsibilities grow, women will typically experience a great deal of stress and have female health concerns.

Increased stress may come from excessive caffeine or alcohol consumption, sleepless nights, cigarette smoking, lack of exercise, birth control pills, poor nutrition choices, obesity, and exposure to the many environmental toxins in daily life. These lifestyle choices add to the female health problems instead of helping the body to cope with the many demands placed on it.

It is no wonder that many women have female health concerns and begin experiencing health symptoms that make them wonder what is going on and look for answers to questions such as the following:

Female Health Questions #1 - How Can I Have More Energy and Feel Better?

Lack of energy may be from overexertion or it may be your body telling you that it needs to rest. Anyone can feel tired occasionally. However, constantly feeling fatigued can be a symptom of a disease or bodily imbalance and can occur at any age. It may be the first sign that your body is not working as it should and something should be done.

Female Health Questions #2 - Why Am I Gaining Weight?

Weight gain probably means you have gained unwanted weight around the mid-section even though no changes have been made in eating habits. Daily calories might have even been reduced but still, the weight remains. Again the logical question is "Why?"

Female Health Questions #3 - Why Am I Having Hot Flashes/Night Sweats?

About half of all women experience hot flashes and night sweats during the years as changes happen in the monthly menstrual cycle. As menopause approaches, they frequently continue for several years following menopause if not treated. With the major changes in the body's hormones, the brain thinks your body temperature is changing which causes your nervous system to want to cool your body down. Fluctuating hormone levels are the #1 cause.

Female Health Questions #4 - Why Is My Hair Thinning?

Women experience thinning hair and even hair growth in the wrong places. There are various treatments like changing your hairstyle or using a shampoo and conditioner that makes your hair fuller. However, instead of purchasing female hair loss products, a woman should first look for the underlying causes that are related to hormone imbalance.

Female Health Questions #5 - Can I Find Online Information on These and Related Health Issues?

Yes! A woman should understand what are normal changes in her reproductive cycle and health and what symptoms indicate underlying hormonal imbalances or damage from poor eating habits, stress, and other factors. And the health problems you may be having can definitely be related!

A woman with female health concerns should know which symptoms she has. And how mild or severe are those symptoms? What are you demanding of your body? Are you frequently stressed? Are you taking prescription drugs? What about caffeine and alcohol? What support are you giving your body? What do you eat and take a high-quality women's nutritional supplement? And what is your age? Your age is important because you need to compare your health with other women your age.

Find out more about your health, the symptoms you may have, what these symptoms mean, and your options. There is an online test for hormone health related to symptoms that indicate hormones are out of balance. This health test has been developed by a leading women's health clinic, it is used in their practice every day and is available to women online at no cost.

If you are a woman in your thirties or older and you feel your health is not what it should be, get answers to your female health questions by taking the women's health test online and see what the clinic recommends for your health situation. Understanding what is healthy and normal and what is not is crucial when your energy, health, and well-being are at stake.

Where do you go if you have women's health questions? Do you go to your favorite doctor-like website? Do you look through magazines or do you just ask your friends? Maybe you actually go and visit your doctor? I have found that when it comes to questions of a sensitive nature, I'd much rather go online and try to find an answer that way than talk face to face with somebody I know. For example, if I have a general question I have no problem polling some of my female friends. How long is the average woman's cycle? 28 days? Okay, no big deal to talk about with friends or family. But when there's something that isn't quite right, or maybe even wrong, I'd rather keep it to myself than do an old-fashioned friends poll.

Women's magazines are great ways to anonymously find the answers to your women's health questions. In almost every magazine I can think of, there's a write-in portion where readers send in questions to be answered by an expert in the field. Many magazines employ doctors or OB/GYNs to answer the questions that are on the minds of their readers, and if you catch enough of them it's possible you'll find the answer to your own question. This has happened several times to me, even. Also, I tend to save magazines for future reference or for collage material, so sometimes I'll have a question, remember it was answered in a magazine, and then go find the answer out of my old stacks.

Overall, though, I know there's nothing to be embarrassed about when it comes to women's health questions. Doctors get asked some crazy questions each and every day, so there's probably nothing you can ask them that they haven't already heard several times already (maybe even that day alone!). So while it's okay to hope for your questions to be answered in a magazine, I suggest you ask your doctor, first.

 Health Questions And Answers
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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