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Kids Healthy Snacks Recipes

The habits we teach or allow in our children will determine their futures. The beliefs that accompany these habits are also extremely important. Parenting plays a vitally important role in the lives of our children. If we do not provide a trustworthy, safe and predictable environment, our children's emotions can become damaged and lead them to make reactive decisions which lead to negative results in their lives. Habitual negative emotions and reactions can create a world full of drama and unnecessary challenge for our children, which continue into their adult lives. Training our children to think positively is also very important. Helping them to see different ways of viewing the same set of circumstances enables them to reframe events and give them a different spin. This is a valuable skill that empowers individuals to be able to maintain some control of their lives even under very difficult circumstances. Empowering our children to make decisions and gradually become independent is one of the greatest gifts parents can offer their children. Children need to be able to say 'no' under certain circumstances. The older they get, the more appropriate this is. Very domineering parents who see teenage boundary setting as being rebellious or disrespectful are setting their children up for future abuse. Boundaries are extremely important for teenagers and they remain important throughout their adult lives. People who lack boundaries are often very stressed, vulnerable and confused individuals. Teaching children the habit of trusting their 'inner voice' and acting on their own values rather than being influenced by others, can save them from serious harm and may even save their lives. Behavioral habits such as picking up after themselves, helping out around the home, doing their homework and keeping themselves clean are also essential life skills. Without these habits, children are often unable to grow up into effective adults. Lack of organizational skills can affect academic results and work performance, seriously diminishing opportunities for success. Lifestyle habits are the lynch pin habits that affect every area of a person's life. 'Lifestyle' refers to both diet and exercise and can affect a person's physical, emotional and mental well being. The modern western diet full of high sugar, high fat, and processed foods is creating a number of serious illnesses such as Type 2 Diabetes which gravely impact the health, happiness and success of sufferers. Unless children eat a healthy, natural diet and exercise daily they will face an uphill battle in life. We live in sea of chemicals. We are eating them, drinking them, breathing them and drenching our skin in them. It is a wonder that the human race has survived the modern world. If we want our children to live healthy, happy and successful lives, we cannot ignore the importance of diet and exercise. The habits we instill when they are young will stay with them throughout their lives. Good health encourages happy emotions and positive thinking. If we try to build good emotional and mental habits into the lives of our children without ensuring they are eating healthy foods (and avoiding processed foods) we may well be wasting our time. If we take the time to create positive habits in the lives of our children we will be blessing them with an inheritance of good health, happiness and success. Sure, you might have heard a relative mention them once in a while (“I loaded up on vitamin C when I got that cold last winter!"), but you didn’t think about the implications for you. Instead, you dived into your fast food with delight, unknowingly creating ticking time bombs which were set to go off sometime later in your adulthood. It’s time to stop such limited thinking and embrace what we have come to learn beyond a shadow of a doubt - substance and quality does matter… and that goes tenfold for what we put into our bodies. Without proper nutritional supplements and dietary control, we are simply playing a game of Russian roulette with our most precious possession. And with childhood obesity, cancer, and diabetes at an all-time high, it’s time to do something. Of course, it’s fine to pay “lip service" to the need for kids to learn about nutritional supplementation for health benefits. But how do you really introduce a youngster to the notion that he or she must put down the bag of potato chips or the spoonful of full-fat ice cream? How do you “sell" them on the benefits of nutritional supplements as a key to a long, healthful life? Obviously, the secret is to start children off on the right foot as early as possible. Even as infants, kids are finely attuned to every step their guardians take. Hence, if Mommy takes nutritional supplements on a regular basis, Baby is likely to pick up on the importance of the pills or vitamins(, too. (In fact, many kids eagerly await the day when they can join in!) And if Daddy meticulously avoids piling on the greasy or highly fattening choices offered at buffet tables and exercises at his gym regularly, Junior will probably follow suit. It’s almost like health game of “Monkey See, Monkey Do"… only it has incredibly important consequences because if nutritional supplementation is introduced at a young age, children are less likely to have health problems later. Keeping on Kids As parents know, however, it can be tough for children to stick with anything for long. Like their adult counterparts, they have a short attention span, and are notorious for going “with the flow". Therefore, if a peer says, “What in the world is a nutritional supplement?", the preteen or adolescent could easily turn away from healthy choices in an effort to be liked. This is why it’s imperative that households operate as a unit when it comes to nutritional supplements. If it becomes part of the morning or nighttime routine to take vitamin B supplements or folic acid (or even multivitamins), then everyone is more apt to continue with nutritional supplementation for life.

 Kids Healthy Snacks Recipes
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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