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Early Childhood Lesson Plans



Infant death constitutes seventy-five percent death rate of babies under three months old. If you must sleep with your baby in your bed, you should ensure that you don't put comforters, quilts, or soft pillows on your bed to reduce the chances of your baby suffocating.

A bathtub for your baby should be made of thick plastic to be able to hold any amount of water you put into it. Don't put bath rings or floating devices in your baby's bathtub in order to avoid any incidents of drowning. Avoid putting foam cushions in your baby's bathtub so that she or she won't tear them up and swallow them.

Parents who seek outlets for child care are usually more concerned about the nature and quality of affordable childcare providers. Childcare providers include schools, daycare centers, and foster homes. If you are looking for a daycare center, you should strive to put quality over cost. After all, it's your bundle of joy we are talking about here.

Most women give birth to their babies in hospitals because of the facilities that are available there to ease childbirth. Ninety-nine percent of women give birth in hospitals in America. You may be expected to stay for about two days in the hospital after your labor for supervision.

Bedwetting in kids can be an extremely delicate situation to handle as a parent. You can control your kid's bed wetting by walking him or her up to pee before they go to bed. You can control bed wetting in your kids by desisting from flaying them about it as that will only make it worse. Take the time to learn effective ways to control and stop bedwetting instead of just using any tactics that you think will work.

Autism is a neurological disorder that affects some kids who are under 18 months. An autistic child will have trouble communicating his or her feelings to people around. Autistic children are generally more in need of attention and care than normal children.

Physical contact with your baby can solve a multitude of problems. Physical contact is all about touching your baby so that he or she feels totally loved. Touch is a universal language of love that even babies understand.

Many parents wanted to know what their secret was. Well of course it probably had something to do with genetics, it also had something to do with their early childhood lesson plans and the habits they established. Both parents were linguists and decided to read and play videos on sign language with the child. Little did they know that these little lessons built amazing thought and speech pathways in the child's brain, and before they knew it they were on Good Morning America having her read flash cards, blowing viewers' minds.

Beginning Tips

So the previous lesson is definitely extreme. Just because your child is not reading at 2 is definitely nothing to worry about. Fostering a normally bright child comes at a slower pace, and reading should be part of good habit formation at home. Here are some tips when you first start:

-Start as soon as possible, the earlier the better

-Read as if you are excited about the story, it will fall over on the child to engage them

-Be habitual about the time you read, children remember this and find this groove to get into, possibly even reminding you when it's time

-Talk to your librarian about books that are a good match for your children, they can even help you establish reading as part of your early childhood lesson plan

-Put the books in proximity to the rest of your children's toys, ideally with the cover facing them so they will be consistently interested

-Books on the go are great, pull one out at the doctor's office, ride on the commuter train, hang out at the park, etc.

It's never too young to read. It may seem odd but some experts actually think that reading while the child is in utero may be a good shoo-in for reading as a baby, toddler, and beyond. That may also be a good way for connecting the parent's voices while still in the womb. At least it's a good habit for the parents, especially if one of the parents is not an avid reader. You know the cliche, like father like son, well this may be true regarding the parent's reading habit, and if the child picks this up later in life by copying the example parent.

 Early Childhood Lesson Plans
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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