How To Accelerate Your Weight Loss |
When we start a diet and a workout, we all expect ourselves to be pencil thin by the end of the month. And to hope that is not appalling at all. Of course, we started it to be like that. But what happens usually is that we do follow the diet and the work plan very austerely but we don't lose weight easily. Following a fad diet with tiresome workout makes us fed up really fast when there are no results. There is no flaw in a diet or the physical activity you chose to burn fat, because if it can work for others then it can work for you as well. There are a few tips for you all to boost up your metabolism and accelerate your weight loss. I'm telling you the secret to shedding those pounds real fast...... 1. Never cheat yourself: Cheating yourself is easy. Nobody is watching and nobody cares what you eat. At times we do think that having a bite of pizza or a chunk of chocolate can do no harm, we can jog an extra mile to cover it up. Bad really bad. Never do this. Because that extra mile is never done. Believe me, first, you've to be fair and square to yourself own self then you have the right to complain if the diet doesn't work. There are a few rules that are to be broken when you are dieting, like when you pay for food you've to eat all of it, or you can not say no to a host when he/she offers you something to eat or you should eat when it is your mealtime either you are hungry or not. 2. Don't do promises you can't fulfill: Don't promise yourself that you'll lose weight in a month or two because if you can't then it will make you feel depressed. Secondly, people tend to eat things that are prohibited, with a promise to their selves that they'll burn the calories taken. Why promise for the future if you can't control yourself at the moment. 3. Start burning calories: Diets work at their best when they are incorporated with some physical activity. You can walk, run, jog, swim, play sports, do exercise, aerobics or weight training, dance, use exercise machinery, anything you want and you like to do. This will help you to boost your calorie burning. And it'll burn that fat and makes your body firm with the perfect trim, we all wish for. 4. Have a good night's sleep: It is very important to have complete rest and a relaxed state of mind. In stress, either mental or physical, the body system automatically gets into a "flight or fright" condition. It starts preserving fat for energy usage in the future. So you need good mental and physical relaxation to let your diet work at its best. Some of us feel hungrier when stressed, so to keep your apatite in control you need to be calm and cheerful. This also keeps the spirit high and we feel motivated to lose weight. 5. Keep yourself motivated: When I was trying to lose my extra lbs, I had my whole wall covered up with my previous photographs when I was slim, with posters of models with perfect thighs, bum, and flat tummy. When there is a figure, an idol in front of us it keeps us motivated. BUT one thing that you should never forget, and that is your body frame and your caliber. If you have a broad body frame you can never get pencil thin. No matter how much you diet and how much you work out you can't reduce your bones. It's your skeleton that makes the basic body frame and determines your baseline weight. 6. Enjoy what you are doing: It is very important to have a proper selection for your diet plan and your physical activity. If you'll choose a diet that you don't like to eat in a normal routine or physical activity that you take as a liability, not as fun, it is more likely that you get fed up even before the diet ends. Or you can hardly drag it over a month. But if you'll love what you are eating and how you are burning, then you won't stop until you achieve your goal. With such tips and ideas to accelerate your weight loss, you can become what you always dreamed of. So let the fun begin now............... |