Few Diet Plans You Might Need To Shed Those Extra Lbs |
You might have heard of many diet plans. Nowadays it is very convenient for people to get diet plans. You can buy books, search on the internet, friends can you about them and even your physician can tell you one or you can ask a nutrition specialist to design one for you in accordance to your diet pattern, routine and physical requirements. These diets can be incorporated with exercises or weight-reducing surgeries. I'm not telling you a detailed account of diet plans. I'm just giving you a vague idea that how these diets do work. 1. Paleolithic Diet: This diet is planned on the basic idea to follow what early men ate. It is a known fact that the health of early men was far better than that of modern men. They used to eat raw and fresh meals. Following the same rule, this diet suggests eating meat, chicken, fish, eggs, fruits, berries, vegetables except for potatoes and sweet potatoes, and nuts except for peanuts and cashews. All you have to avoid is grains including bread, portions of pasta and noodles, beans including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, snow peas and peas, potatoes, dairy products, sugar, and salt. 2. Protein Diet: Commonly known as Dr. Atkins's diet. It is based on the idea of increasing muscle mass, with reference to the fact that when there is more muscle mass in a body, the nutrients are supplied to the muscles to keep them working, instead of stored in form of fat. This diet suggests taking only proteins. You can eat chicken, beef, mutton, fish, pork, egg whites, skimmed milk, and no carbohydrates and fats in any form. You have to avoid all dairy products except skimmed milk, oils, jars of butter, processed or unprocessed grains including bread, portions of pasta and noodles, fruits, and vegetables as they have carbohydrates, sugar, and anything with sugar. 3. General Motors Diet: The staff of General motors planned this specific diet for their workers, who gained weight while sitting and eating during their long working hours. This diet is planned with the idea of having balance in the diet. They promote eating on a weekly basis with days divided and having a specific thing to eat on that day. This is the only diet that let you eat fruits, vegetables, beef, and their special soup. This soup really does work. Many of my friends lost lbs with this simple and balanced diet. But still, you have to avoid many things. You can't eat dairy products, fats, oils, any fried things, and carbohydrates in form of grains, bread, portions of pasta, and noodles. 4. Banana Diet: The banana diet is a simple diet in which you only eat bananas and milk. I personally don't like it much because I don't like bananas. But you can go bananas if you are a banana fan. 5. Detoxifying Diet: Detoxifying diet or in simple words Detox diet can be taken as a pre-diet or an initial diet plan. This diet is planned with the concept of removing wastes from the body so that the body can be returned to a healthy form, hence responding more to any of the diets. You have to eat simple food that is easily digested. Food should be free from chemicals. Have to chew properly, and drink a lot of water. Eat especially given recipes including fruits and vegetables. This diet basically acts on the bowel activity and enhances it to increase so that the wastes can be removed. You have to avoid processed food, chemicals, medicines, coffee, and tea except for herbal tea, all nicotine and caffeine. 6. Liquid Diet: This diet comprises only liquids in any form. You can have water, teas, coffee, milk, fresh juices, and soups. You can drink anything but you can not eat anything. It is based on the thought that liquids have the minimum amount of calories as compared to solid foods. The liquid generally has no fats and carbohydrates in them. It is a very simple diet as all you need to avoid is solids in any form. 7. Wine, Cheese, And Chocolate Diet: This sound yummiest of all. Doesn't it? It's a known fact that almost one in three Americans is obese. Though they all eat low fat, low carb, and low sugar diets more than anyone in the world. Whereas the French women have a ratio of one in ten. This gave inspiration for this diet because all they eat is cheese, chocolate, and wine. This diet was planned by the Marie Claire team. They've suggested particular recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You can choose from them and start losing weight. The main ingredients they use are cheese, bread, chocolates, fat and red wine. |