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Department Of Human Health



Vitamins are one of the most essential nutrients for the human body. To be healthy and for the proper functioning of all human organs, Vitamins are essential. Vitamins are necessary for the natural growth and development of every multi-cellular organism. Right from the inception of a human fetus to old people, Vitamins are one of the most important supporting elements in their growth. During the pregnancy period, diets taken by a pregnant woman directly relate to the growth of the fetus in the womb. Therefore, Gynecologists suggest they take diets according to the need of children developing inside their bodies.

There are other less known types of Vitamins too, each one with a different set of importance for the human body and another chemical usage.

Vitamins for Sense Organs

Vitamins are essential for all our sense organs. A lack of Vitamins can lead to problems in the functioning of our sense organs. Vitamins, their importance, and the diseases caused by lack of those vitamins are as follows:

1. Vitamin A (retinol) is helpful for our eyes. Lack of Vitamin A can result in Night Blindness.
2. Vitamin B and its variants are important for several reasons, lack of them can result in Beriberi, Ariboflavinosis, Pellagra, Paresthesia, Anemia, and other deficiency diseases.

3. Vitamin C is helpful for our skin. Lack of Vitamin C can result in Scurvy.

4. Vitamin D is helpful for our bones and their growth. Lack of Vitamin D can result in Rickets and Osteomalacia.

5. Vitamin E is helpful for infants, lack of this Vitamin can result in Anemia in infants.

Popular Sources of Vitamins

You do not need to look for any special diet elements or medicines to fulfill the requirement of Vitamins in your body. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are rich sources of Vitamins. Regular inclusion of them in your diet can protect you from all the deficiency diseases caused by improper intake of Vitamins.

Absolutely! Bodybuilders need supplements more than the average person because we put such a heavy burden on our bodies daily. Also, we may tend to drift into anabolics (both legal and illegal) that carry some pretty heavy side effects. So, what is a good vitamin regimen for the average bodybuilder? I am about to give you what I think are the best supplements that a bodybuilder can take in the order of importance. First, you want to take a GOOD multi and just because it comes in a PACK doesn't mean it is good. Find one from a reliable health food store and have them suggest a good one. Make SURE IT DOESN'T CONTAIN IRON IF YOU ARE A MAN! It has a high dose of Vitamin C along with chelated minerals and solid doses of everything you need. Second, you need to take a good Vitamin E product, not something in the value aisle at your grocery store. Vitamin E has advanced past what you get in a supermarket, there is a new version of vitamin E called High Gamma E. I am not going to explain how it works, just understand that it is a much better form of vitamin E. The next thing that I feel is most important for good health is a solid Fish Oil supplement. Fish Oil is amazing and protects your heart, liver, and brain from damage and decay. You can't take just one though and expect to see any benefit. Fish Oil is cheap and you need to take at least 6 gel caps per day. Steroid users should be taking 12 capsules per day to ward off liver and heart issues. Now that we have the basics covered, we can move on to more exotic supplements for anti-aging and joint repair. CoQ10 is an enzyme co-factor that is great for keeping your heart and brain health and is overall a very good supplement for anyone interested in anti-aging (30-100mg per day). ALA or Alpha Lipoic Acid is even better because this anti-oxidant is also used by bodybuilders to make insulin more active! It actually acts like some prescription insulin potentiators which is a fancy way of saying it makes insulin more effective at carrying nutrients into your body (200-500mg per day with meals)

Unfortunately, I am sitting here with wrist wraps on while I type this because my wrists are killing me. I guess I shouldn't underestimate the value of healthy joints, which is why I suggest that ALL bodybuilders take a good Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplement. Watch out for the ones that use Glucosamine HCL instead of Glucosamine Sulfate. You want Glucosamine Sulfate since that Sulpher molecule is necessary and is the form all of the positive studies used. I am starting 1500mg of Glucosamine Sulfate and Chondroitin Sulfate per day so I can get back to lifting without pain. There is nothing sadder than seeing an older bodybuilder that hasn't kept his joints in good health. Finally, if you do take steroids or even just for the health benefits, drink plenty of Pomegranate juice (also available as a supplement, just DO NOT get the one with ellagic acid).

Don't just pick any of them off the shelf, many are "cut" with grape juice which is empty carbs. What will this do for you? Well, it shrinks the prostate, cleans clogged arteries, and reduces oxidation in the body. It's truly the drink of champions and NECESSARY for bodybuilders that take anabolic steroids. Well, that wraps it up and I hope that this helps you choose supplements that will keep your health in check. There is no amount of money that can replace a healthy body, so make sure you budget for some good supplements in your quest to get huge!

Do you have any idea if you are getting what you need even though you hear a lot about vitamins and minerals? For the most part, you probably are. There are times when we don't however, and this leads to a fascinating theory. My mother offered me a book she read a long time ago, and it claimed that those who do not get enough vitamins and minerals each day not only get sick much easier but also walk around with unusual cravings.

After I read the book, it made me think about a teacher I had in fifth grade. This man was your classic teacher, even if he was not very animated. Quite often he would eat the chalk he had in the classroom. Though we thought it was funny at the time, I never thought there was a reason why he did it. Could it have something to do with the number of vitamins and minerals in his diet? I have no idea, but this book told me it was. It's a fascinating theory. Our bodies do crave vitamins and minerals we aren't getting, but would it make us eat chalk?

So this might be the explanation for why you demand certain foods. That's certainly not as shocking as eating chalk, but this could explain odd cravings, especially during pregnancy. Pregnant women necessitate more vitamins and minerals than anybody, and they need to be sure they get them. Do they have to ask for Italian dressing and hotdogs in the middle of the night if they aren't getting the vitamins and minerals for themselves as well as what they need for their growing baby? I am not sure.

honestly don't know if a lack of important vitamins and minerals might explain cravings, even though the guy who wrote the book made some great points. What I do know is that if you are dieting you deal with cravings every day, and maybe making sure your amount of vitamins and minerals is what it should be might just prevent a few of those crazy urges that make you overeat. Even though it's just a theory, perhaps making sure you take a daily vitamin might help you to stop your urges just in case it works. If you take up a diet plan that guarantees you get the right foods each and every day, maybe that, along with the vitamins, might give you the head start you require to keep on track. Just don't eat chalk, ok?

The Right Vitamins For A Bodybuilding

The water-soluble vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C) are composed entirely of the B and B-complex vitamins, including Thiamine (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pyridoxine (B6), Folate, Cobalamin (B12), Biotin and Pantothenic Acid. Because these vitamins are water-soluble and thus have difficulty entering fatty tissues, they aren't stored in the body and excessive amounts are excreted. And while this means toxicity is generally not a problem, these vitamins must be continually included in a bodybuilder's diet. Vitamins Are :

1. Cobalamin (vitamin B12)

Although the functions of vitamin B12 are numerous, those important to bodybuilders include carbohydrate metabolism and maintenance of nervous system tissue (the spinal cord and nerves that carry signals from the brain to muscle tissues). Stimulation of muscles via nerves is a critical step in the contraction, coordination, and growth of muscles.

Vitamin B12 is available only from foods of animal origin; therefore, it is very important for athletes following a strict vegetarian diet to consult a physician about vitamin B12 supplementation. In fact, B12 shots are popular with countless athletes, vegetarians, and nonvegetarians alike, many of who swear it helps them perform better

2. Biotin

Although there's a limited amount of sports nutrition research on Biotin, it makes our top 10 list because it has critical functions in amino acid metabolism and the production of energy from many sources. It also may be one vitamin that some bodybuilders have trouble with when attempting to maintain an adequate supply.

The reason bodybuilders may have difficulty with Biotin is that it can be blocked by a substance called Avidin. Avidin is found in raw egg whites, a staple for many athletes. In fact, bodybuilders who eat raw egg whites or who don't cook egg white well enough may experience growth problems with Biotin deficiency if their egg white consumption approaches 20 per day. Eating raw eggs can also lead to a bacterial infection called Salmonella, which can have severe health consequences.

3. Riboflavin (vitamin B2)

Riboflavin is involved in energy production in three areas:

1. Glucose metabolism, 2. Oxidation of fatty acids, and 3. The shuttling of hydrogen ions through the Krebs cycle. Of particular interest to bodybuilders, Riboflavin is somewhat related to protein metabolism. In fact, there is a strong relationship between lean body mass and dietary riboflavin.
 Department Of Human Health
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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