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Human And Growth Development



In the 1950s, Human Growth Hormone injections were used to help children who had growth problems. It was only in the 1990s that Human Growth Hormone injections were used for antiaging reasons. This turn in events came about when a 6-month-test was conducted on just 12 men, giving these men daily injections of human growth hormones caused them to reduce 14.4% body fat and gain 8% lean muscle mass. That interesting effect was enough to make it popular with bodybuilders. Isn't that the goal of bodybuilders? To build muscle and reduce fat. Human Growth Hormones have that effect on men.

Athletes too were interested in boosting their performance with the use of growth hormone injections. Besides building lean muscle and trimming off the fat, human growth hormones (HGH) helps the body manufacture red blood cells. That boosts the endurance levels of athletes. When competition is that keen, every advantage helps and HGH gives them that competitive edge.

Besides, growth hormone injections are safer than steroids, or are they?

Human growth hormones are produced by the pituitary gland found at the base of your brain.

Growth hormones promote cell growth. Unfortunately, cancer happens when cell growth becomes uninhibited. Is there a link between Human Growth Hormones and cancer? So far, mice were given far higher doses relative to body weight than what a human may use to die younger than their counterparts who have low growth hormone levels.
Possible side effects of the use of HGH injections include edema, joint pain, diabetes, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Not enough is known yet about the long-term side effects of HGH injections to declare how safe they really are.

HGH injections don't come cheap either? They can cost $500 to $1000 a month to even more than $15,000 a year. Yet many older people are flocking to clinics for HGH jabs in a bid to regain their youth. These jabs may be given as medical treatment to people who are really deficient in that hormone.

It is not just the men who are interested in growth hormone injections. Women too are turning to HGH to boost bone density, lower their body fat, and basically, regain the health of their youth.

There are other ways to boost your body's human growth hormone levels other than exercise. Swallowing the hormone wouldn't help as it cannot get past your digestive system. Instead of injections, you could get your body to produce more growth hormones through exercise and enough sleep.
The recent controversy over steroid and human growth hormone use in the sport of baseball has focused public attention on the potential benefits and risks of somatropin or HGH. Use of HGH injections as a treatment to stop aging or for athletic enhancement is illegal, yet the physical and cosmetic allure of a substance some hail as the? fountain of youth? causes many to ignore the law or to seek ways to boost their own body's production of HGH naturally.

The human body produces HGH as fuel for childhood growth and for the healthy maintenance of organs and tissues in adult life. Primarily, HGH works to build height in growing children while increasing bone strength and muscle mass. By the time humans reach the age of 40, however, the pituitary gland, which sits at the base of the brain and produces the HGH, begins to slowly reduce the amounts released into the system. An increasingly popular theory holds that this reduction causes the weakening and failure of the body during the aging process, leading to the seemingly logical conclusion that by supplementing HGH such deterioration can be forestalled.

Synthetic human growth hormone, available legally as a prescription only and administered through an intramuscular injection, has been approved to treat children and adults diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency or with diseases that cause short stature. (It is also used to offset the wasting of muscle experienced by patients with AIDS and HIV.) Used in these ways, HGH has been shown to increase bone density and muscle mass while decreasing body fat and enhancing the heart's ability to contract. At the same time, HGH seems to give the recipient more motivation, a better mood, and a much higher capacity to exercise. It isn't surprising that athletes and others for whom endurance, appearance, and physical fitness are high priorities would be tempted by the drug's promise.

 Human And Growth Development
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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