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Men Think About Women



When you overhear two guys in their fifties discussing symptoms such as dropping energy levels, sluggish brain functioning, weight gain, muscle pains, and depressed sex drive, you immediately surmise that those men are talking about their menopausal wives. Well, you may be right, except that those men could also be talking about themselves. You would think that women have a monopoly when it comes to the term menopausal stage. But the truth is that the gradual decrease in the levels of testosterone in a man's body brings about male menopause.

Male menopause may sound awkward for most people but that is because the medical profession does not recognize the existence of this syndrome. And as a result, proper treatment has eluded countless men in their forties or fifties. The changes in the body experienced by menopausal men are actually as intense as those that are happening in menopausal women, and it is more than just about counting the years that went by.

The body of a man like you has been largely defined by the presence of the hormone testosterone. And as the level of this hormone in your body starts to decline in your forties or fifties, the effects could be wide-ranging. From your circulatory system to your nervous system, to your bones and muscles, every important aspect of your body gets a taste of the symptoms caused by lower levels of testosterone in the body. So what can you do?

Increase Your Zinc

Your body has aromatase; this refers to the enzyme responsible for converting much of your testosterone hormone into estrogen. To prevent this enzyme from doing this traitorous act, you need to increase your intake of the mineral zinc. By making sure that you take about 100 milligrams of this mineral daily at the beginning of your ordeal, you protect your testosterone levels from being corrupted by aromatase. After a month or two, you should have already balanced the hormonal levels in your body so you can reduce your daily zinc intake to just about 50 milligrams.

Regular Exercise

Here is the thing; overweight men have been found to have lower levels of testosterone in their bodies. And that is not even touching on how old they are! Studies have shown that when you are accumulating more fat in the body, your hormonal glands begin to convert your testosterone into estrogen. In effect, your testosterone levels decline while the presence of estrogen in your body increases.

When this happens, you feel weakness in your muscles and you are unable to burn much of the fat that you accumulate. Before you know it, you gain more unwanted pounds and lose much of your energy. To fight the decline of testosterone in your body, you need to exercise. Keep off extra pounds by exercising regularly and adopting a healthier diet.


When you are in your forties or fifties, your body needs all the help it can get. So apart from Zinc, you must also take loads of Vitamins C and E and other micronutrients that can help you deal with free radicals in your system. You need to beef up your antioxidants to protect your pituitary glands, that part of the body that controls hormone production and ensures a hormonal balance.

There you have it; men do have a menopausal stage. And just like women, men can not weather this stage in life by merely sitting down. But what's unfortunate is that men do not have the luxury of specially formulated supplements that can help them cope with male menopause. 

 Men Think About Women
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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