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Child Creative Learning Center



Psychologists as well as a coveted philosopher William James said that the world of vision for infants is a big confusion. In fact, as soon as the baby takes birth their vision undergoes rapid development till the first year. Gray, hazy images and images that are not in focus during the initial weeks start to become defined and perceive color in the following months. The journey of creativity and the development of vision starts when these blurred images start becoming clear to the child.

Visual sense plays an important function in the growth of the brain during the child's first year. A Baby's sense of vision is very important for the development of creativity. It is due to creativity that the newborn baby distinguishes and identifies anything he/she sees. Almost 90 % of the information that enters the brain of humans is visual in nature. Providing adequate visual stimulation is something very significant for the baby's complete mental and physical development in the future.

Just-born babies may not have coordinated eye movement and therefore may look cross-eyed during the beginning months of their birth. However, babies can see the closer range that is between 9 inches to 12 inches, in other words, the distance between the face of the mother and the newborn baby in arms.

Experts believe that newborn babies can see and track objects during the initial few weeks. At the age of 6 months, the vision and creativity system is nearly like an adult in operation. In fact, newborns are able to see about 20/400 subsequently after birth, then 20/40 by the age of one. There is improvement in focusing during 2-3 years that eventually reaches 20/20 vision which is considered normal. The most spectacular changes happen in the first 8 months.

Newborn babies can see dark and light shades but are unable to see all the colors. Differentiating colors are not tuned fine till the age of 3 months. That's why toys for infant stimulation have distinguishable black-and-white patterns. Such toys have patterns that demonstrate the highest contrast that is 100% for the eyes and that's why babies are attracted to them.

Development of vision, creativity, and physical development like jiggling, arms waving, and kicking is encouraged by high-contrast images. Babies can also identify the shades of gray which is shown by recent studies. At the age of two months, babies can see almost all the faint and difficult-to-analyze shades that have made our visual world rich and textured.

There is an area in the human brain that is concerned with the recognition of faces, this could be the reason for newborn babies being attracted to human faces. This very act of recognizing which is also specific indicates creative development in the child. This act forms a strong bond between the baby and the mother, especially during breastfeeding.

When two months old, the baby can recognize features of the face like eyes and mouth. When the child is 4 months old, he or she can recognize the mother's face from others.

Visual stimulation starts creative development. Therefore, every parent and caregiver should show all sorts of colors and different images at an early age so that the child is fully equipped with the required skills during the actual stage of creative development which happens between the ages of 2-3 years. Creativity is an acknowledgment of existing colors and images which is succeeded by improvement in the ability to build.

Creative Child Learning Center

A child when left alone to act on his own often spells disaster. But knowing how to direct his energy into something useful, fun, and purposeful is the key to discovering his potential. Toys in all shapes, colors, and materials abound in most households. But how do arts and crafts materials differ from the rest?

A child when left alone to act on his own often spells disaster. But knowing how to direct his energy into something useful, fun, and purposeful is the key to discovering his potential. Toys in all shapes, colors, and materials abound in most households. But how do arts and crafts materials differ from the rest?

Unlike most toys which come along with an instruction kit, arts and crafts materials leave much room for the imagination of the kids to come into play.

During out-of-town trips, to go sightseeing or for an outing on the beach, bring along a standing easel complete with crayons, paints, markers, and whatever artist tools are available. Parents will be amazed at the ability of children to capture whatever is seen by the naked eye and beyond.

Is not it true that no two creations are exactly alike? This is the beauty of art. Artists may look at the same scene but may interpret it differently. This is very much inevitable when it comes to kids' artwork.

Give them a drawing pad or any piece of paper, and they will doodle, draw, and sketch. Through the skillful use of the brush and paint, watch them transform plain wooden boxes or ceramics into admirable works of art. They can make door signs, wall decors, and picture frames using the different materials available.

Girls are not to be left behind. Think of the necklaces, bracelets, and anklets that they can make from the uniquely shaped and colorful trinkets found in bead sets. Decorate their bags and wallets with these specialized hanging ornaments. And they will be the envy of the rest.

Imagine the giggles and fun as the tots use their hands to squeeze, mold, and form objects out of dough. Finger painting is also one activity that always elicits squeals and shrieks of laughter from the little ones. Expect them to paint not only on paper but also on each other's faces and little noses.

It is in activities such as these, that parents will see the pleasure that emanates from the child being as they engage themselves in complete abandonment of their creation. Trust Melissa & Doug to come up with safe, fun, and tested arts and crafts materials. If parents find that the child exhibits a special talent in the arts, they might as well enhance this by enrolling him in formal classes.

The mood of the artist is also evident in the completed creations. Sometimes, as observers, parents not only see joy but also sadness in these artworks. If a child often illustrates a very distracting image, may it be scary or gloomy, this could be a sign that something is disturbing him. By talking to him, you might release the stress and frustration that he is undergoing.

Discover the potential of your child. Know his moods and interests. More often than not, it is in activities involving free play where he will reveal his inner thoughts and feelings. Let the arts and crafts be tools for unlocking his creative instincts.

As an entrepreneurial parent, you juggle the roles of head chef, chauffeur, nurse, janitor, and more. Being there for your kids may be the very reason you have a home-based business, yet this myriad of roles makes carving time out for your business challenging at best. By developing a wide variety of cost-effective childcare options, you can achieve a balance between spending time with your children and building your business.

There are times when working at home while watching the kids go without a hitch. They're playing a game in the other room, doing their homework at the kitchen table, or gabbing with their friends while you're making your calls, filing your paperwork, and crossing items off of your to-do list with efficiency. There are other times, though, when parenting and working require a superhuman ability to focus. Once, as I was doing a phone interview with the local media, the Pok? mon theme was blaring on the TV, a toy was singing, "If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands," and my son came over saying, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommmmmeee...." The reporter was amazed that I could concentrate on writing an article for my newsletter with such distractions. The key is honing the ability to let go of the distracting voices while still listening for cues that your children really need help.

Bringing in the Relief Pitcher

No matter how well you multitask, there are occasions when you need undisturbed time to devote to your business. Here are some ideas for getting the relief you need:

Hire a sitter to come to your home. In the summertime, you can find local high school and college kids who will keep the children entertained for a few hours rather inexpensively. Otherwise, you can ask friends, neighbors, and customers to recommend sitters who are willing to do daycare in your home.

Swap babysitting and working time with another mom. If you have a friend who also has her own home-based business, you can trade work and sitting times. For example, if you work in the morning, she can watch your kids. In the afternoon, she can work while you take over the childcare duties.

Set up a childcare co-op. Arrange with two other moms in your neighborhood or on your team to take all three kids for one afternoon. By taking turns watching the brood, the kids will form lasting friendships while each mom gets two afternoons per week to work on her business? kid-free!

Work swing shifts with your husband. You can watch the kids while your husband works, and then he can take over while you work the next shift. The disadvantage to this approach is that you don't get a lot of quality time to spend with your husband.

Work around the kids' schedules. You can get chunks of work done while the kids are in school, or in the early morning, or at night when the kids are sleeping. If you have a baby or toddler, you can work while they are taking naps.

Ask your family for help. Going to grandma's house can be an adventure. If you have extended family, they may be willing to watch the kids while you work.

Enroll your kids in a class. Most local parks and recreation districts offer dozens of inexpensive classes for children of all ages. Go through the course catalog together with your children, and have them pick out the classes that most interest them.

Park your kids at the pool. Invest in a summer pass for your local public pool and take advantage of the recreational swim hours. As long as your kids can swim, most public pools allow school-age children to swim without a parent being present. You can get two to three hours a day of uninterrupted work while your kids are splashing in the sun.

Sign your kids up for day camp. Many parks and recreation districts offer inexpensive day camps. When they're not in school, consider signing your kids up for day camp one or two days each week. They'll have fun and you'll have peace of mind.

Assessing Your Options

Realistically assess how well you're juggling your many roles, and whether some form of childcare would help you achieve your personal and professional goals.

Determine how many hours each week you'd like to help with the kids, and choose one or more strategies from the above list.

Do the research or make the calls to get the help you need.

Creative Play For Children

Many children are dying to get outside and spend time in the sun. Every family needs creative playthings in their yard. Not only will children get fresh air, but they also get away from the television, computer, and video game systems. Time spent on creative playthings equates to fresh air and exercise while having loads of fun.

Typically, creative playthings are made solely from pine, redwood, or cedar. Detailed instructions are provided for adults to construct the creative playthings that have been purchased. Typically these sets cost over $1,000, but they are guaranteed not to rust, warp, or rot. For families with small children, knowing the set will appeal to their children, as they become pre-teens offers plenty of peace of mind.

The warranties on creative playthings are great. If pine is used to construct the structure, a ten-year warranty applies to the entire set. Yellow Pine increases this amazing warranty to fifteen years. Purchasing the more expensive cedar or redwood kits may seem hard on the budget, but the lifetime warranties make it worth the extra cash.

There are wide arrays of structures to consider when building creative playthings. Every set starts with the basic platform. These platforms are like small forts that sit five feet above the ground. The creative plaything platforms are covered by a canvas or wood roof. The platforms are available in three sizes 5 x 7, 5 x 5, and 5 x 4. The platforms contain a ladder and a plastic slide.

Once the basic platform has been chosen, a huge variety of options can be added to creative playthings. Additional levels to the basic structure can be added and then a large, spiraling tube slide can be purchased. This slide must be attached to a second level, so make sure the set has that second level. Crawl tubs are available to connect one basic platform to another.

Rock climbing walls can replace the ladder and are great for building upper body strength. Rope ladders, chin-up bars, and firemen poles also help build upper body strength. Children love eating outside in warm weather. Adding a floor and picnic table to creative playthings is a simple and affordable option for the whole family.

Other add-on accessories can make creative playthings even safer. Safety handles for slides and ladders can be added in a snap. Heavy-duty swing clasps ensure that a swing remains firmly attached to the structure over time. Children's creativity can be enhanced with a number of additional accessories. Pretend telephones, steering wheels, periscopes, and similar learning toys can be added to creative playthings and help build children's creative and storytelling skills.

 Child Creative Learning Center
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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