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Children And Outdoor Play



Children love to play outside. In this day and age of technology, television, and computers, it is more important than ever to encourage your kids to play outside. One way to do so is to get them pedal cars. Pedal cars are toys that not only give children a large dose of healthy exercise but also make it fun to play outside. Most kids are interested in doing activities that make them feel like adults, and if they have a realistic-looking pedal car to play with, you can expect them to spend hours wheeling around outside.

First, you need to consider the technical aspects of the car. Will it be easy for your child to drive around? It is important that it has a low center of gravity so that all 4 wheels stay on the ground even if a sharp turn is made. You should also check out the pedal mechanism, to make sure that it is difficult or impossible to get caught, pinched, or entangled in it. Most toy makers focus on making the moving parts as safe as possible and resistant to snaring children, so you usually won't have to worry too much about it.

Next, you can consider the style of the car. Companies that specialize in pedal cars offer all sorts of different styles, from classic cars to monster trucks to airplanes and tricycles. If your child has shown interest in any of these things, then you can look for a specific style. Otherwise, you might consider getting a car that is modeled after the one that you most frequently drive your kids around in. This is very fun for the child, as he or she gets the experience of controlling the vehicle and deciding where it goes.

So if you are interested in buying a pedal car for your child to play with and exercise in, you can investigate the many possibilities. There are pedal cars in many different venues, from toy stores to the internet. Just decide on the model that will make your kid want to drive it the most, and look for the best price. You'll be glad that you made the investment, especially when you have strong and in-shape kids who are already developing good driving skills and reflexes. Also, always be sure to set boundaries and rules for where your kids can pedal to, and what they can do.

It seems like almost every week, we hear about how our children are overweight. I'm not sure about you, but I particularly hate the hear word "obese" when describing a child. It may sound like I am on a soapbox, but before we put our children on medication for the rest of their lives, it is our job as parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other favored adults to help our children get outside and get active.

Many of us can relate to what it is like to be overweight. I didn't have too much of a problem until after high school but throughout my adult life, I have been going up and down in weight. Currently? My weight is good but it's an everyday struggle to watch what I eat and make sure I get enough exercise - and I'm almost 50 and I am in control of my body. I'm sure many of you reading this can relate to that comment. Now imagine being 5 and really not in control of yourself. It's up to your family to make sure you get exercise and eat properly, right?

One thing our children need today is an encouragement to get out of the house and play. So as parents, how can we encourage our kids to be active every single day? Signing your kids up for an outdoor team sport such as baseball, soccer, or tennis is a great way if you are able to afford the weekly fees and cost of getting your child started. If this isn't an option for you, investing in a few outdoor toys will help motivate your children to venture outdoors.

Why outdoor toys? Outdoor toys are helpful in developing many skills during children's playtime. In addition, outdoor toys are an excellent way for children to enjoy the fresh air and get some exercise at the same time while tending to be durable and easy to clean. Playhouses, climbing frames, trampolines, pedal cars, and swing sets are some of the most popular outdoor toys purchased by families today but don't forget about classic outdoor games such as hopscotch, tag, kickball, and more.

Kids love board games and they will always be a classic way for children to learn simple skills like math, color balance, and coordination. These toys are available in giant versions which you can take outside, giving more space, and fresh air and getting the children out of the house. Some great choices to consider in this category are an outdoor bowling set, soccer set, or t-ball set for smaller children and playhouses. Also, many of the toys in this category may be brought into the house during the cooler months and played indoors.

Don't forget the water! What child doesn't love to play in the water? Kiddie pools are available in many popular character themes such as pirates and dinosaurs, different colors, and many with built-in activity stations. The pool toys you select will only add to the enjoyment with water guns and canons, kick boards, lifejackets, inflatable water wings, retrieval toys, rafts and loungers, inflatable sharks, tubes, inflatable basketball hoops, seat rings, and beach balls name a few.

Investing in a few outdoor toys will help make outdoor playing time enjoyable for your children - and you too!

 Children And Outdoor Play
Imane Alfonse Ghalii


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